Monday, May 26, 2014

DIY Coffee Face Mask

The coffee face mask is  actually an ideal mask for all skin types – with a few add-ins depending
 on your skin concerns. About 10 years ago, beauty companies started to use caffeine as an 
ingredient in face products because of its incredible tightening effects. So, while this mask
 is meant to brighten your complexion, it will also tighten it, revealing a more youthful you!
What You’ll Need:
1/2 Cup ground organic coffee beans (you can grind your own or buy pre-ground)
1/2 Cup organic, unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Cup of unsweetened whole milk
1 Tbsp of lemon juice (for dry skin, try olive or almond oil)
1 Tbsp of honey (for extra oily or acne prone skin, use additional lemon juice here instead of honey)
Benefits of the Ingredients:
Coffee Beans – Reduces inflammation and redness, and the appearance of under eye circles. 
As an exfoliator, removes dead skin and “wakes up” a tired complexion.
Cocoa Powder – A good source of antioxidants; repairs damage due to environmental 
pollutants and free radicals. Contains high levels of sulfur (great for fighting acne).
Milk – It is said that Cleopatra bathed in milk to give her skin a healthy glow. 
Lactic acid exfoliants while natural enzymes help to smooth skin. Amino acids keep skin hydrated.
Lemon Juice – Acts as an exfoliant. Contains natural vitamin C to lighten, tighten and brighten. 
Great for regulating oil production.
Honey – A natural humectant that locks in moisture.
In your bowl, mix the finely ground coffee beans with the cocoa powder. 
Add in the milk, stir until it creates a paste. For a thicker paste, use less milk. 
Fold in lemon juice and honey. Apply to skin and let dry (up to 20 minutes). 
Wash off and store any extras in the fridge for up to 3 days.

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